Well this has certainly been a lesson in biting off more than you can chew for the novice blogger, originally I intended to have this list over by the end of January. It’s March. Next time something more manageable, or a lot more preparation. This albatrossesque list has kept me from doing a lot of other stuff on the blog (like whopping up some more posts with Jason’s JA pics, getting round to half the things I’ve promised etc etc) especially because these posts have taken a fair bit of getting together, and my apologies for that. Honwards and cupwards from here on in.
divSHARE was playing up when I was finishing off this lengthy post, so there’s also a link to the files on Mediafire on the titles of all the posted tracks. Let’s get this done.
10. On The Rock – Mavado (Baby G)
Yet another that technically may have been an ’07 release but really came through strongest in ’08, especially helped by its Barrack Obama version for Green Lantern. Mr Brooks may have flopped out in his (somewhat ludicrous and not that entertaining) clash with Vybz Kartel at Sting, but on the right tune (and in the right key) he can be unstoppable. Written about the police bust of his birthday party this is a modern dancehall classic that I was compelled to play loudly and frequently for quite some time, much to the chagrin of my better half who is not such a big Mavado fan. Points and prizes to Jammy’s and sons (Baby G in this case) for the mightyness of the Mission rhythm too, even if it is only a sliver away from the also excellent Shootout. Strangely I can’t find the 7″ available from any of my regular lurking spots but it’s on a number of comps, so get yer google on.
For one reason and another I feel a special attachment to this one and personally I rate it up there with the very best from Mr Tony of Thorpe. Curiously enough the original is one of my least favoured tracks on the excellent album it’s taken from, though the video really made the song. I would chuck it up (ooh err) but you’re not allowed to embed it, because you know promoting the music and stuff is a bad idea according to someone or other. The saucy, sold out white label 12″s were limited to a 300 run however eagle eyed spotters can still find the 7″, which has a very usable edit, though sadly no dub.

The 7″

08. A Trader Of Furs Living In Exile (Quiet Village Rmx) – Luger E-Go (Crue-L)
This could almost as easily have been the original A side version by Kenji Takumi, a subdued housing rumble with cat cries and depth…..deep, deep.. unfathomable depth. However there would be something severely amiss if there wasn’t a Quiet Village remix on the top shelf of this seemingly endless listeration. I really like the way Quiet Village have followed two distinctive paths for remixes and their ‘original’ tracks. It’s their more modernist and relentlessly spaced out remixes that mow my musical lawn (not to denigrate the excellent ‘Silent Movie’ in the slightest). Speaking to Matt Edwards around the time of their album release he said that the latest material they were working on was more in the vein of their remixes, which will definitely keep my #1 fanboy enthusiasm flowing. Unfortunately this fortified fifth of an hour seems exceptionally hard to find now though Matt did mention the possibility of a QV remix album (well actually I hassled him about it, especially as I have already done my own double disc version in the Stinkmix series), in the meantime have a taste below.
(Luger E-Gospace)
(Crue-L site)
Luger E-Go

Quiet Village

(Crue-L site)
Luger E-Go

Quiet Village

07. Gullybrook Lane – Joker (Terrorhythm)
What to say about this HUGE tune? Joker simply makes tracks that sound like no-one elses, refuse to sit neatly in anyone’s genre trap and appear to be flown in from some part of the future no-one else is imagining. I dont think I’ve heard a track by this geezer that hasn’t blown me away yet, nuff said.
06. More Hardcore – Lenky Don (Starlight)
This was a big tune for me, and I’m still not quite sure how an American based artist (of T’n’T origins) managed to buck up on such a grimey rhythm before furnishing it with a phenomenal flow. I was so taken with it, I ended up hailing Lenky through the potty portal that is MySpace and interviewing him for Real Groove alongside the similarly forward 77Klash. Based on this track alone (and there’s an as yet unfinished, autotune one-drop version that aint half bad too, and got folks asking when I ran it on Stinky Grooves) we ended up getting Lenky to do a vocal on a forthcoming Unitone HiFi tune, which is a potential right scorcher that was put down on a very, very hazy October morning in East Brooklyn. You’ll be hearing it here first but in the meantime check this gem from a lovely geezer who is well worth keeping a proverbial eye on.
05. The Anthem – Onra (Favourite)
A monstrous slip of a tune from the French beat-homme with the Vietnamese heritage. We had a good old rah bout Onra here. Brilliant to see this has been issued on 45 especially as I think the vinyl album pressing is sold out and done. Don’t want to make this the sycophantic section of the list but Onra is yet another luvverly feller.
(buy 7″)
(buy album)
Onra and the Coke debacle with this song. From the excellent Pinglewood.

This is the new Onra album, is good.

(buy album)
Onra and the Coke debacle with this song. From the excellent Pinglewood.

This is the new Onra album, is good.

04. Sweet Love For Planet Earth (Andrew Weatherall Rmx) – Fuck Buttons (ATP Records)
Just listen as the Bristolian duo get their already monstrous tune gently doofed by the Son of Slough. Took me a while to track this down but apparently the linked spot below has it. Best of everything in one mix, genius stuff.


03. Cool Baby/Caan Beat We – Busy Signal (Juke Boxx)
There could have been a whole heap more Busy throughout this list, as Joker is to dudestep, Signor Signal is to dancehall…. basically totally on another level. This tune astounded me…no drums, like none. And are they missed? Are they necessary? Not in the slightest. Apparently he wrote the basis of this rhythm (and there isn’t much more to it than the basic basis) himself, even though it’s credited to Shawn Scott and the mighty SSMG label. If that’s the case (and I have no reason to doubt it) then I want to hear more from this prodigiously talented geez so long as it doesn’t preclude him from cutting sides with his manager Shane ‘Jukeboxx’ Brown, Daseca or any of the little Jammy’s. I have woffled on about the greatness of Busy here previously (about every 3d post) and no doubt will be doing again so let’s leave it at that. Due to hassles has with takedown notices on gear that appeared on his VP album (you find it, I aint promoting it for them peoples anymore!) I’ve only posted ‘Caan Beat We’ which is his 2nd cut on the rhythm, and though it didnt cause quite the same splash it’s no less of a farkin ripper.
(buy) ‘Caan Beat We’ from here ‘Cool Baby’/’Kool It Baby’ is no longer easily about.
02. The Crash Theme – Bot’ox (DC Recordings)
At the time when I was also foolishly proposing to do a top 30 albums of ’07 ‘Death Before Disptemper 2 – Revenge Of The Iron Ferret’ the DC Recordings comp was duking it out for the top spot. It’s definitely one of my most played and loved albums for the year, especially as it stretched the definitions of the the DC organisation even further with impeccably picked-out and surprising tracks from non-label artists. ‘Heal Us’ from 69 Crayons was a proper little (actually quite big) hit on the 95bFM playlist and didnt make it in this list through nothing but my own stoopidity and trying to juggle priorities, but this atmosphere drenched masterpiece is truly the pick of the bunch without a shadow of doubt for me. Cosmo Vitelli and Julian Briffaz are Bot’Ox and there is an album on the way, how incredibly exciting that is. There’s a real theme (beyond the automotive) and feel to their gear, and it’s little surprise that DFA picked up their excellent Babylon By Car/Tragedy Symphony 12″ for release, don’t sleep on their ‘Crashed Cadillac’ track either (there are vinyl and mp3 links to buy at the Bot’Ox MoiSpace page below) there’s absolutely no toxicity here. If you haven’t heard this track, I urge and implore you to check the mp3, and then point your monetary device towards the nearest vendor of this compilation, which is more mint than an explosion at the Colgate factory.
Here’s some blurbulation I wrote about this splendid record for the Listener.THE CRASH THEME – BOT’OX
01. The Healer – Erykah Badu (Motown)
Another tune that I got well obsessed with for a longggg period of time. In all honesty I’ve never been a big Erykah Badu fan, there’s been tunes here and there over the years, this is some other business. From what I’ve heard Badu should also be getting credit on the instrumental alongside Madlib, but why quibble when the result is so unique and magnificent. Unfortunately I can’t post the track or embed the vid, it shouldn’t be hard to find out there if you somehow haven’t already acquainted yourself with it. Fucking brilliant record!!
Even better (buy) this 12″ and you have the instrumental….. what an instrumental!!
Me blahing on about Badu for the Listener
Living With Baduizm… seriously check this bit of Nah Right vintage pisstakery.

Even better (buy) this 12″ and you have the instrumental….. what an instrumental!!
Me blahing on about Badu for the Listener
Living With Baduizm… seriously check this bit of Nah Right vintage pisstakery.

No mas!